Green technologies
Green technologies - GreenEvo - Green Technology Accelerator
Green Technology Accelerator – GreenEvo – is a unique programme launched by the Ministry of Climate and Environment, Poland – designed to support Polish entrepreneurs in promoting Polish environmental technologies at home and abroad.
The main objective of GreenEvo is to help Polish small and medium-sized enterprises in establishing international contacts, as well as to provide them with knowledge and tools facilitating dynamic development. Actions taken under the programme comprehensively stimulate development and strengthen the position of innovative green technologies in the process of building the circular economy.
Benefits of GreenEvo
The programme GreenEvo is one of the important instruments of Poland’s government to support the process of transformation towards a sustainable economy. GreenEvo is a good practice in terms of cooperation between the state administration and business. It was launched and implemented by the government, who also took on the role of the guarantor of the quality of technologies offered.
Thanks to GreenEvo, the international transfer of green technologies is stimulated and the foreign activity of Polish companies providing modern environmental technologies is truly supported. The programme proves that Poland is able to actively participate in international actions toward climate protection, with no detrimental effects on economic development and substantial contribution to innovative green technologies.
Principles of support
GreenEvo call for proposals is addressed to Polish entrepreneurs offering environmental technologies. GreenEvo procedure ensures transparent selection of beneficiaries by, among others, external experts.
The Rules and Regulations of each call under GreenEvo programme is the most important document, which regulates the issues of entrepreneurs’ participation and the use of support under de minimis aid.
We build the potential of Polish green technologies, providing entrepreneurs with relevant knowledge and tools for effective expansion into foreign markets.
Public administration actively supports sustainable development by promoting entrepreneurs in the green technology sector – creates, develops and provides a platform for exchange of knowledge and experience as well as contributes to dissemination of green technologies in Poland and worldwide.
Technology areas supported by GreenEvo
- water and sewage management,
- waste management
- renewable energy sources,
- energy saving,
- air protection
- biodiversity protection,
- passive house building,
- low-emission transport,
- climate protection, including technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
What do entrepreneurs gain?
- knowledge about available support instruments,
- promotion under the brand GreenEvo,
- marketing support,
- opportunity to participate in foreign trade and economic missions,
- knowledge about foreign markets,
- awareness of the benefits of industrial property protection,
- specialized training courses, e.g. on sales and presentation techniques, building export strategies, acquiring funds for R&D, patent protection,
- continuous development.
More information about GreenEvo and the support for entrepreneurs offering green technologies is available at