Establishment of the Xylopolis Centre for Wood Art and Science

On Monday 27 February 2023, the Podlaskie Voivodeship’s Assembly passed a vote to establish Xylopolis, the Centre for Wood Art and Science, a new institution in the region educating people on all aspects of wood – from economy, through culture to art.

Xylopolis is an idea that has brought together a number of institutions representing both the public and the private sector. It is a joint project by the Podlaskie Voivodeship, the Ministry of Climate and Environment, the Institute of Environmental Protection – National Research Institute, the Białystok University of Technology, the University of Białystok, and the Unibep Group’s foundation “Unitalent”, whose aim was to promote the potential of Podlaskie during EXPO 2020 in Dubai.

The establishment of the Centre for Wood Art and Science is a continuation of these activities and focuses on promoting the unique natural resources of Podlaskie. The new facility will be modelled on the Polish Pavilion from Expo 2020.


Our region’s wealth lies in its woods and forests. This is why we are faced with the challenge of how to use these natural resources wisely, and how to foster economic development based on them in areas such as construction and tourism, while at the same time ensuring that the environment is properly protected, caring for the ecological awareness of the population, and using new technologies for sustainable development. We would like the Centre to be an institution showing the untapped potential of our region

– said Marshal Artur Kosicki during the meeting of the Assembly, adding that the project involves broad cooperation with cultural institutions, educational and scientific institutions, including academic centres, as well as representatives from the world of business.

Professor Lech Dzienis was appointed as the plenipotentiary for the project and presented the Xylopolis Centre for Wood Art and Science project to the regional Assembly, noting that it fits perfectly with the EU’s New European Bauhaus initiative of combining science with the natural beauty found in wood.

Xylopolis’ activities will not only be aimed at academics and entrepreneurs, but will also be open to the public. Similar centres in Poland and around the world are very popular among tourists.

Within two months it will be decided where the Xylopolis Centre will be located. Three sites are being considered: The campuses of the Białystok University of Technology and the University of Białystok, and the Podlaskie Museum of Folk Culture.

The project will be implemented as a partnership including the Unitalent Foundation, the Institute of Environmental Protection – National Research Institute, the Białystok University of Technology and the University of Białystok.